Plant, Tree, and Turf Nursery

Plant Nursery: Plant nursery is a site where plants are grown for sale, transplantation, or as stock for grafting and budding.
• Plants are fostered in nurseries by being given the best circumstances for growth to ensure germination.
• The Nursery significantly reduces the time needed to raise the following crop.
• Most annual flower harvests are grown from seeds; a nursery is necessary to raise the seedlings.
Tree nursery: A tree nursery is where trees and other plants are propagated and nurtured until they are used.
Highlights –
• Its purpose is to create the ideal environment for native tree seedlings to grow in until they are prepared for planting.
• Young seedlings need to be sheltered and well-cared-for throughout their early establishing, something a nursery can only offer. Turf nursery: A turf is an area for horse racing or a layer of the Earth with grass plants. Highlights – The soil is held together by the turf's fibrous root structure, which keeps it from being blown away by wind and rain. Rainwater is also slowed down by grass, which lessens the amount of dirt washed away by the power of the water. Let's Take a Step towards better Tomorrow. I love the green, be more renewable. Contact us today for more!

438, ‘PUSHPAM’ 10th Road, Chembur, Mumbai-400071, India
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (+91) 9619337778
Fax: (22) 25293245
Mokashi Farm & Nursery, Bamne Sarlambe Road, P.O. Aware, Kavdas Village, Taluka: Shahapur, District: Thane
Mail: [email protected]
Tel: (+91) 9821036302
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